Jun 25, 2011

Can you legislate morality?

In a recent address, the president of Trinity Law School in California made the point that most evangelicals would answer no, you cannot legislate morality since morality is a matter of the heart. However, morality is being legislated every day.

When the state of New York made gay marriage legal yesterday, putting it on par with the marriage of a man and a woman they were in effect legislating...
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Jun 25, 2011

Can you legislate morality?

In a recent address, the president of Trinity Law School in California made the point that most evangelicals would answer no, you cannot legislate morality since morality is a matter of the heart. However, morality is being legislated every day.

When the state of New York made gay marriage legal yesterday, putting it on par with the marriage of a man and a woman they were in effect legislating...
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Feb 14, 2011

The numbers tell the story

Here is a mission field that is world wide. The numbers tell the story. I am thankful that there are people who are ministering to those affected with the gospel, with love and with healing. 

Watch this video....

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Feb 14, 2011

The numbers tell the story

Here is a mission field that is world wide. The numbers tell the story. I am thankful that there are people who are ministering to those affected with the gospel, with love and with healing. 

Watch this video....

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