A key skill of leaders is that of being able to do critical analysis of people they lead. Critical analysis is not about being critical. It is about the ability to realistically understand and honestly evaluate strengths and weaknesses of people (we all have them) and not to gloss over problematic issues or areas of needed growth.

Many corporations require, for instance, that a supervisor defend the annual review he/she does for subordinates with other select individuals. The reasons is that they want a realistic and honest evaluations rather than glossing over needed areas of growth. They know that without honest discussion, it is possible to ignore important issues.

This matters because one of the most important roles of a supervisor is to help their staff grow and develop and become all that they can be. Unless they are serious about discerning the areas of need growth this will not happen. In the ministry world it is often, frankly ignored to the detriment of staff growth.

It also matters because a lack of such critical analysis impacts others in the organization who either flourish or suffer on the basis of the health of leadership.

Here are some evaluative questions for staff who lead others:

  • Do they both empower others but stay connected in order to help them achieve their goals?
  • Are they clear on what their missional agenda is and do they communicate it clearly?
  • Do they keep their staff focused on the missional agenda at all times?
  • How intentionally do they coach their staff?
  • Are they able to do critical analysis of their staff in order to position them for success and keep them growing?
  • Do you see regular growth in their leadership skill and emotional intelligence? Where do they need to grow?
  • If there was one thing that would make a major difference in their leadership, what would it be?
  • How focused and disciplined are they in their work?
  • Where would they benefit from coaching and growth?
  • Are they candidates for a higher level of responsibility? If so, what additional experience do they need to become qualified?
  • Aug 25, 2012
  • Category: News
  • Comments: 0
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