Feb 05, 2011

Costly Devotion

Guest writer
Anna Blanc
Worship leader at the International House of Prayer in Kansas

I have a confession: I am terribly distracted while worship leading when I notice older saints connecting with the Lord in the room. It is not as though I can avert my eyes and move on; I am taken with the sight. Tears traveling down wrinkled faces, weathered hands lifted toward Heaven. There is something...
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Feb 05, 2011

Costly Devotion

Guest writer
Anna Blanc
Worship leader at the International House of Prayer in Kansas

I have a confession: I am terribly distracted while worship leading when I notice older saints connecting with the Lord in the room. It is not as though I can avert my eyes and move on; I am taken with the sight. Tears traveling down wrinkled faces, weathered hands lifted toward Heaven. There is something...
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Sep 23, 2009

Secular or Sacred Worship?

My wife recently attended a worship service where the message was shaped around a popular country western song (rather than the text used) and then the secular song was the last set by the worship band. She left deeply disheartened.

The service raised an interesting question. Does the sacred influence the secular or does the secular influence the sacred? Now without a doubt there was some truth in...
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Sep 23, 2009

Secular or Sacred Worship?

My wife recently attended a worship service where the message was shaped around a popular country western song (rather than the text used) and then the secular song was the last set by the worship band. She left deeply disheartened.

The service raised an interesting question. Does the sacred influence the secular or does the secular influence the sacred? Now without a doubt there was some truth in...
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Sep 17, 2009

Worship Music: For Christ Followers or Seekers?

As my own church has tried but failed to articulate a philosophy of music and worship for the past ten years - they are still trying - I have reflected on the purpose of worship in the church.

Fundamentally worship is for those who follow Jesus. That may seem obvious but I believe that it is not clear in many congregations that are trying to attract seekers. I believe that much worship direction...
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